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Another phase of our project is that D.A.P.S. will provide transitional facilities for young men and women who have been incarcerated and released or have fallen into hard times. They will stay in the facilities from 6-18 months on average.  While at the facilities, participants must attend all scheduled classes fitted around their work schedule and must attend all Christian education and worship sessions. They will be provided with food and clothes as necessary.  They will also receive assistance to complete their education and attend college.


The facilities will house males and females separately but we will also have a family facility to accommodate up to four families. A family consists of a male/female married couple with or without children, or a female with small children. Each area of the family facility will have a great room, kitchen, 1-3 bedrooms and bathroom.  Adult residents of the family facility must work or attend school and must also attend Christian education fellowship. Youth residents will attend school and participate in the D.A.P.S. program and activities

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These funds will help those in the program with temporary assistance for such as clothes, food, and utilities if needed. Funds will only be used to help those who are applying themselves to the program principles. 


Through the services we offer, we will fulfill our mission to provide support, mentoring, counseling and transitional support that will teach skills to equip and empower troubled youth and adults and to help them to develop and improve their morals and character to become positive and productive in life through character building, financial counseling, college preparation, after school enrichment and much more.

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Father and Son Reading a Book


Dr. Onika T. Brown has partnered with LJ Thomas (South Carolina Gets Lit) to assist youth with reading,  reading comprehension, and self-confidence. The Literacy program focuses on children from toddlers to 12 years old. This comprehensive individualized lesson plan teaches the fundamentals of reading along with concepts, techniques and skills as the students are encouraged to tap into their learning ability naturally. The program is conducted via Zoom and all sessions are recorded. There is mandatory involvement of parents/guardians for each student. Initial assessment is done through an interview and intake form for both student and parents. If you want to help a child struggling with reading, contact us.



We provide empowerment to AT RISK POTENTIALS ("Unapologetically me") through one-on-one sessions, seminars, and workshops.

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